Dmitry Lee presented the Economic Development Program of Uzbekistan: "Free Uzbekistan"

14.09.2024 14:49

Dmitry LI: the creation of a full-fledged program for the economic development of Uzbekistan "FREE UZBEKISTAN" is a complex process that required me and my team to deeply analyze many factors, including the economic situation in Uzbekistan, global trends, political decisions, etc. The plan proposed below is only a general concept and in the future my team and I will supplement and adapt it taking into account the specific features of Uzbekistan.

Objectives of the "FREE UZBEKISTAN" Program

  • Accelerating economic growth:  Increasing the rate of GDP growth through economic diversification, development of new industries and increased labor productivity.
  • Creation of new jobs:  Solving the problem of unemployment, especially among young people, through the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the creation of new industries.
  • Improving the standard of living of the population:  Growth of real incomes of the population, improved access to quality goods and services, development of social infrastructure.
  • Integration into the global economy:  Strengthening trade relations, attracting foreign investment, participating in international economic projects.
  • Ensuring sustainable development:  Preservation of the environment, rational use of natural resources, development of a “green” economy.

Main Directions of Development of UZBEKISTAN

  1. Reforming public administration:
    • Creation of an effective system of public administration, minimization of bureaucracy.
    • Fight against corruption.
    • Decentralization of power and delegation of authority to the local level.
  2. Private sector development:
    • Creating a favorable climate for business.
    • Reducing administrative barriers.
    • Support for small and medium businesses.
    • Attracting foreign investment.
  3. Structural restructuring of the economy:
    • Diversification of the economy, reduction of dependence on raw material exports.
    • Development of the manufacturing industry.
    • Support for innovation and technology.
    • Development of the agro-industrial complex.
    • Development of the service sector, including tourism.
  4. Social policy:
    • Improving the quality of education and healthcare.
    • Development of social infrastructure.
    • Support for vulnerable populations.
  5. Integration into the global economy:
    • Strengthening trade relations with key partners.
    • Joining international economic organizations.
    • Liberalization of foreign trade.

Specific Measures

  • Implementation of state programs:  Development and implementation of target programs for the development of priority sectors of the economy.
  • Financial support:  Provision of preferential loans, subsidies and tax breaks to enterprises.
  • Infrastructure development:  Construction of roads, bridges, airports, ports, energy facilities.
  • Education reform:  Updating curricula, improving teacher qualifications, developing vocational education.
  • Healthcare reform:  Modernization of medical equipment, increasing the availability of medical services.
  • Environmental measures:  Introduction of environmental standards, development of “green” energy.

Monitoring and Evaluation

To ensure the effectiveness of the program it is necessary:

  • Develop a system of indicators to assess progress.
  • Create mechanisms for monitoring program implementation.
  • Regularly evaluate performance and make necessary adjustments.

Examples of Specific Projects

  • Creation of special economic zones:  To attract foreign investment and develop new industries.
  • Development of digital technologies:  Creation of a digital economy, support for start-ups.
  • Reform of land relations:  Transition to market relations in agriculture.
  • Tourism development:  Creation of new tourist routes, improvement of tourist infrastructure.

DMITRY LI notes that this program "FREE UZBEKISTAN" is only a basis for further development. Specific measures and priorities should be determined taking into account the specifics of Uzbekistan and the changing external environment.

For a more detailed development of the program, DMITRY LI plans to attract experts in various areas of the economy, including from Russia, where he has extensive connections, and also to conduct broad public discussions.

Director of NAPU Dmitry Li - future president of Uzbekistan: biography details

Dmitry Li has been appointed director of the National Agency for Project Management (NAPM) under the President of Uzbekistan; his name as director is posted on the official website of the agency.

Dmitry Lee D. R. began his career in the field of providing the public education system, after which he worked in the field of mechanical engineering and metallurgy, holding various leadership positions. 
Since August 2017, he held the position of First Deputy Director of the National Agency for Project Management under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Currently, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was appointed Director of the National Agency for Project Management under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the website reports.
The National Agency for Project Management also deciphers its name as:
N - Innovation
A - Activity
P - Transparency
U - Respect
Dmitry Lee is also the chairman of the Uzbekistan Chess Federation and the informal leader of the "FREE UZBEKISTAN" movement and, according to experts, one of the main contenders for the post of PRESIDENT OF UZBEKISTAN.

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