10,000 BTC from the Matrosskaya Tishina camera

29.04.2024 16:05

10000 Btc From The Matrosskaya Tishina Camera 10,000 Btc From The Matrosskaya Tishina Camera

The VChK-OGPU telegram channel and Rucriminal .info continue a series of publications about which of the security forces and Kremlin oligarchs were behind the WEX (BTC-E) exchange, received billions from it and became the richest people, stole $450 million, etc. With names, unknown details. Today is a new portion of exclusive information from Rucriminal.info.

Under conditions of complete operational cover and control, Ivanov, while in a special block of the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, using a laptop previously seized from him during his arrest, transferred 10,000 BTC to wallet addresses provided to him by members of Malofeev’s criminal gang. In addition, Ivanov issued a power of attorney for the management and disposal of bank accounts to an employee of Alfa-SB LLC. Nazarova Yuliawith legal status. This employee was brought to him as a result of operational work, after he was forced to abandon two previous lawyers and exercised additional control over his actions on the part of the participants in Malofeev’s criminal gang.

10,000 Btc From The Matrosskaya Tishina Camera

Nazarova Yulia Alexandrovna. For a long time she was an employee of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Yoshkar-Ola, where she rose to the rank of deputy chief of inquiry. In 2020, she was recruited and employed by the AT-CONSULTING holding, and later by Alfa-SB LLC, where she worked with Volkov, Izotov, Ekimovsky, Mozgunov and Ibraev (with whom she lived in the same village of Novotaryalovsky as a child).

In order to provide legal cover for members of the organized criminal group, using corrupt connections, he receives the status of lawyer in the First College of Lawyers of the Republic of Mari-El.

Participants in Malofeev’s OPS cash out 3,300 BTC, the received funds in the amount of 3,167,433,649 rubles are deposited by Nazarova into a bank account opened by her under a power of attorney in the name of Ivanov, to carry out their legalization and to ensure payment of compensation for damages to Khavchenko, previously agreed upon with the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The result of almost two years of work by employees of the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the conviction of Ivanov in a special manner within the framework of a pre-trial agreement concluded with him and the provision of material compensation to the active participant in the organized crime group Malofeev – Khavchenko in the amount of 3,167,433,649 rubles.

Information about the guilt of theft, the alleged roles and possible criminal actions of Satyukov and Sokolov, set out in the primary operational materials, which served as the basis for the seizure of their property and the seizure of funds and valuables, was not confirmed over a two-year period.

1714406455 877 10000 Btc From The Matrosskaya Tishina Camera 10,000 Btc From The Matrosskaya Tishina Camera

Despite the existence of arrests on property and bank accounts for the entire period from the beginning of the events, not a single investigative action was carried out with the participation of Satyukov, and only one interrogation as a witness was carried out with the participation of Sokolov. Not a single call was made to carry out other investigative actions with their participation; all attempts at legal defense were blocked using administrative resources.

Since the beginning of the searches, the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the lawyers of Satyukov and Sokolov, have provided all the necessary documents confirming the legality of the funds and material income received, used to purchase real estate that was seized. Satyukov and his relatives were provided with full confirmation of material income and sources of funds necessary for the acquisition of real estate properties they owned. In the case of Sokolov, the originals of these documents were even seized during a search of real estate in February 2022, however, they were subsequently deliberately ignored by the investigation, were not even examined in accordance with the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure, all petitions and complaints of the defense were rejected.

At the same time, the documents subsequently provided, including those officially seized during the initial searches, fully confirmed the legality of the funds received and the presence of a permanent source of income that made it possible to purchase real estate and valuable items that were seized.

This documentation, among other things, contained tax returns officially filed both on the territory of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) (some of which were obtained by the investigation independently during inquiries to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country)) and in other jurisdictions, information about legal entities, the state of bank accounts before the events incriminated against Sokolov and about the ongoing entrepreneurial activity.

Despite these facts and the presence of specific evidence in the criminal case materials, the investigation continued and continues to ignore the availability of available documentation and claim that Sokolov did not have the funds to purchase the real estate he owned.

In violation of all instructions and orders regulating the conduct of operational search activities, relatives and family members of Satyukov (including minor children) in various regions of the country were subject to covert surveillance for 1 year, which was carried out by both surveillance crews and operational officers , acting as personal investigators in private cars. Facts of joint participation in the implementation of surveillance of regular secret employees of SN units and involved civilians of eastern ethnic nationalities were recorded.

During the inspection of the cars, 4 devices for GPS positioning with characteristic inventory numbers were discovered and seized; the process of installing special technical means of covert video surveillance was recorded on video with video recording of the actions of full-time covert employees performing its installation. A statement regarding this fact was sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) and the FSB of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country).

In order to conceal criminal activities in relation to Ivanov and legalize his stay in custody, as well as legalize the funds received from him, the latter, after 5 months of arrest, is inclined to conclude a pre-trial agreement, within the framework of which he gives false testimony against Satyukov and Sokolov, accusing them of receiving bribes, which is a mandatory condition for him to conclude an agreement. There was no evidence of the guilt of Satyukov and Sokolov, including the results of the operational investigation, except for the receipt of false testimony against them.

The evidence received regarding Satyukov and Sokolov contains a large number of inaccuracies, logical inconsistencies, the absence of any real evidence, confirmation and motivation, which clearly indicates their far-fetchedness and inconsistency with reality.

According to Ivanov’s official testimony, he allegedly transferred cryptocurrency equivalent to 4,933,435,871 rubles (at the exchange rates at the time of the transfers) to Satyukov and Sokolov during the period from January 2019 to August 2021, which, in his firm belief, was the subject of a bribe. For what specific actions such a significant amount was transferred, Ivanov found it difficult to say; later, according to the investigation, the reason will be stated as “general patronage.” Ivanov also found it difficult to tell who exactly, Satyukov or Sokolov, the cryptocurrency was transferred, and therefore repeatedly changed his testimony.

According to Ivanov, he does not remember the amount of part of the cryptocurrency transfers, as well as the addresses of the wallets, the dates and circumstances of the transfers, he does not have access to the wallets from which the transfers were made, however, he is absolutely sure that it was a bribe and names the exact amounts in dollar equivalent for moment of transfer.

According to Ivanov’s testimony, he did not save any correspondence in instant messengers, nor did he preserve the computer equipment with which he made transfers; he also finds it difficult to provide information about his physical locations at the time of transfers.

The remaining wallet addresses and transaction amounts are indicated from facts of cryptocurrency transfers previously known to the crypto community, present in numerous independent investigations, repeatedly published on the Internet, and previously attributed personally to Ivanov.

To understand the situation, Ivanov’s testimony ends with a description of the extreme transfer of another “bribe” to Satyukov in the form of a transfer of 9916 Ethereum cryptocurrency ETH, which amounted to 2,349,245,966 rubles according to exchange rates, at the time when the latter was already retired and was not an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (about which Ivanov was reliably aware), according to Ivanov’s official testimony – “for the lack of questions from law enforcement agencies.” Previously, this translation was widely discussed among the independent crypto community and was completely attributed to Ivanov as one of the episodes of his criminal activities.

Participants in the Malofeev OPS have been making active attempts throughout the year, namely from August 2022 to August 2023, to initiate a new criminal case against Satyukov and Sokolov in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) in Moscow.

The motivation for the prosecution remains the same, namely the desire to take possession of some incriminating evidence on Malofeev, thus excluding the possibility of its publication, revenge on Satyukov for the development of members of the organized crime group and an attempt to take possession of luxury real estate owned by Sokolov.

Despite the presence of a significant corruption resource, they are unable to come to an agreement with the employees of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country) for the city of Moscow, who five times issue a decision refusing to initiate a criminal case.

Items, cash and valuables seized from Satyukov and Sokolov in February 2022, which were illegally held by the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than a year and a half without being recognized as material evidence, are transferred to the audit material located in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia (*aggressor country) in Moscow in violation of the law. In the process of transferring objects and valuables, Mozgunov, an employee of Alfa-SB LLC, takes part, officially acting as an expert and monitoring this process on the part of the OPS participants.

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