Nadezhda Grishaeva and the "Gold of the Party"

17.04.2024 13:13
Nadezhda Grishaeva and the "Gold of the Party"

A scandal is breaking out on the Internet associated with Russian basketball player Nadezhda Grishaeva. A number of Western observers claim that money from the LDPR party could have been withdrawn from Russia through offshore companies associated with Grishaeva.

Mrs. Grishaeva herself may be in a close relationship with the son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, former deputy chairman of the State Duma Igor Lebedev. In addition, the wife of the deceased leader of the LDPR, Galina Lebedeva, also appeared in the offshore companies to which Grishaeva was related.

Information that Nadezhda Grishaeva, who competed at the London Olympics in 2012, may be involved in a money laundering scandal was written by the Swiss publication Weekly News Review, the Brussels l’Européenne de Bruxelles and a number of other Western media. It is interesting that after this topic was picked up by Russian publications, articles about Grishaeva began to disappear in European publications as if by magic. However, in a number of cases, when a link is copied to someone in the same messenger, a preview is left where the material itself is visible.

The journalists’ investigation talked about a chain of hotels owned by the European company Daniella Invest. It was alleged that most recently Mrs. Grishaeva could invest 7.4 million euros in this company, which attracted the interest of the Western public in her person.

If this is LDPR money, then the funds there are more than serious. In the past year alone, the party of the late Zhirinovsky received about 1 billion rubles of funding from the Russian budget. And this does not include sponsorship money, membership fees and other things.

Western registers indicate that at different times both Nadezhda Grishaeva and Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s ex-wife Galina Lebedeva were related to Daniella Invest, which manages an entire chain of hotels in the EU. And only recently, on March 3, 2023, the company found itself under the management of another offshore company — LOSIL MANAGEMENT LIMITED, which was registered in Cyprus just 10 months ago.

It can be assumed that, feeling the interest of Western institutions, Mrs. Grishaeva decided to hide this business deeper. Now, when so much attention has been attracted to her person, has she started cleaning the Internet about information that could complicate a comfortable life in the West for both her and Igor Lebedev?

The latter completely broke with Russia. He left politics and moved to Israel. The only question is — at whose expense?

These are not the only Western companies that the former basketball player may be involved with. Judging by data from open sources, Grishaeva could previously own shares in HOTELS EUROPE MARCELLO INVEST SL, whose head office is located in Alicante, Spain, in Valencia. It is in this city that it is believed that the lion’s share of the hotel assets of the family of the late Zhirinovsky may be located.

In addition, in 2018 she was appointed to the position of administrative director of the Spanish company AGUA AZUL SL. If you go a little further, it turns out that she left her leadership quite recently, on June 15, 2023. Previously, Galina Lebedeva was in the management of the same company.

In parallel with this, dozens of apartments and other expensive real estate in Moscow and St. Petersburg turned out to be registered with firms associated with Grishaeva and Lebedeva. And for several years in the Russian Federation there was a scandal with the disappearance of several tens of millions of rubles from the LDPR party fund.

Now it is clear where this money can be buried — on offshore shores. And it is clear why Lebedev and Co. would probably like this information never to get into the media — it will be problematic to return to Russia after the “alienation,” and in the West we must sit quietly.

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